Sustainable Plastics - Our Summer Issue Is Online Today!
Timing the publication of a summer issue is a precarious undertaking. The summer exodus - the month of August - is upon us, when people disappear for weeks on holiday - and they are thinking about almost anything other than the latest edition of Sustainable Plastics.
Or they’ve just come back - and are working up the energy to go back to work. Between the mountains of emails that need attending to, the phone calls that need to be returned and the catching up that needs to be done, reading the new Sustainable Plastics may not be at the top of the list of things that must be done.
On the other hand, summer is also the time of year that people actually have time to read. So why not just take that opportunity to check out our online edition? Or, if you prefer, you can wait for the print issue, which will follow on 1 August.
Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, enjoy the holidays!